50 Year Street Party.
This summer saw Swansea celebrate being a city for 50 years and we jumped at the chance to have a pop up skatepark amongst the displays, stands and stalls on St Helens road which had been closed for the party.
Pop up food stalls and make shift bars had been organised along with all sorts of entertainment all along the street.
A gorgeous afternoon for it, we decided to run our under 10’s skateboard session down at the festival for the first few hours. Learning the basic balancing skills needed to ride a skateboard, conquering fears, building confidence and making new friends along the way.
Every Thursday 4-6pm there is a skateboard/scooter session for
under 10’s at Exist Skate Park check it out if you’ve not been before and would like to give it a try.
Convertible. Good choice.
Jay Hume - Kickflip, St Helens Road
Karim Kamil - 360flip, St Helens Road
Got to love a street party.